How to create Stored Procedures in MySQL for beginners in 2023

How to create Stored procedures in MYSQL :


Stored procedures are a powerful feature of MySQL that can significantly enhance your database management and development capabilities. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive deep into the world of stored procedures, exploring what they are, why they are essential, and how to create and use them effectively in MySQL.

How to create Stored procedures in MYSQL :

to create Stored procedures we use this simple syntax :

delimiter $$

create procedure name_procedure([parameter_list])
        // CODE SQL ;
end $$

delimiter ;

We use this Syntax for executing a stored procedure :

call nom_procedure([paramter_list])

Parameters IN , OUT , INOUT

MySQL stored procedures have three directions in which a parameter can be defined:

Parameter IN

The value is only passed to the stored procedure. It is used as part of the procedure. This amounts to providing input to the stored procedure.

Parameter OUT

The value is only passed out of the stored procedure, any external variables that have been assigned to this position will take the passed value. This is similar to returning values from a stored procedure.

Parameter INOUT

A variable and its value (ExtVal) are passed to the stored procedure (IntVal) and can be there modified. When the stored procedure is finished, the external value (ExtVal) will be equal to the value modified (IntVal)

Example 1 IN

delimiter $$
create procedure client_adresse( IN var1 varchar(25)
        select * from clients 
        where UPPER(adresse)=UPPER(var1);
end $$
== >
call client_adresse("rabat")

Example 2 OUT

delimiter $$
create procedure client_adresse( IN var1 varchar(25) , OUT count_clients int )
         select COUNT(*) INTO count_clients From         
         clients where 
end $$
delimiter ;

==> call this function
call client_adresse( "casablanca",@Total);
// @Total is a session variable
SELECT @Total ;

Example 3 INOUT

delimiter $$
create procedure SetCounter( INOUT counter INT, IN inc INT )
         SET counter = counter + inc ;
end $$
delimiter ;
== > call this function 
        SET @counter = 1;
        call SetCounter(@counter,1) ;
        call SetCounter(@counter,1) ;
        call SetCounter(@counter,5) ;
        SELECT @counter ;

How to create function in MYSQL

How to create function in MYSQL

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